Tell your story!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

People want to know.  Where did you come from?  How did this happen?  How was it made?  Why?  

You have more of a story in your company than you or your people are telling. Maybe you don’t think it’s that interesting, but people want to identify with, learn, associate and understand.  

If two companies have the same story, and one tells it and the other doesn’t, who has the advantage?

Lisbeth D Toth

What I am and who I am are two different things. That is part of my story. Who I am is an Artist. I can paint, draw, create pottery, garden and design landscapes and cook pretty awesome meals most the time.
What I am is an accountant. I can find the patterns in your accounts to reconcile discrepancies. I can see distortions in your processes that should be standardized to save time. I have found money in your accounting department and found ways to make money.
That is my story.

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