Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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How big are the problems you solve?

The size of your business will be determined by the size of the problems you solve. Can only solve little problems and not big ones?  Well, that will limit you like a small pot constrains the growth of a plant. Ironically, often it takes just as much energy and life…

High Performers and High Achievers

Some people are high performers, but not high achievers.  They don't win awards, catch a lot of attention, or work for show.  But they are there getting great results day in and day out, making it happen. Recognize them.  They deserve it. Who are those people in your organization?

"Beginnings are apt to be shadowy"

"Beginnings are apt to be shadowy." - Rachel Carson Trying something for the first time, not having all the details figured out and not knowing the outcome can feel risky and unsettling.  But that how you find out better ways -  Better ways of marketing Better ways of selling Better…

Easy days, hard life. Hard days, easy life.

Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't like to do. The successful are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods and are inclined to accept results that can be obtained by doing things they like to do. Do you take…

Knowing WHAT to do

Many businesspeople work hard their while life and struggle, and never feel they are making progress. Some are working diligently, not knowing they are headed for disaster. Working hard is great.  But working hard on the RIGHT THINGS is what you need to do. Learn what those things are.  Then…

Problem Solver-in-Chief

Leaders get the hard problems nobody else can solve or is empowered to solve. Of course, the more you empower others to solve problems on the spot, the less of them you get.  The more you push for change and improvement and growth, the more "problems" you will have. Problems,…

The "Fogg Behavioral Model"

BJ Fogg came up with this model.  He says the behavior happens when these three things are present -  Behavior = Motivation + Ability + Prompt When behavior fails to occur one of these three things is missing. When the three things converge at the same time, behavior happens. Think…

Emotion eclipses reason.

When emotion consumes you, reason leaves you. Don't let emotions run the show or make decisions. Walk away.  Wait at least one full night. Get your thinking and reasoning faculties back and think.  

Bad information = Bad decisions

Our thinking can only be as good as our information.   If we get bad information, we can't make good decisions about it. I have fallen for this before.  An employee comes to me with a report about someone, and I stupidly take action on it - only to find out…