Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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Growing to meet your dream

Dreams....goals....wanting something that hasn't happened yet. In my life, it hadn't happened yet because I was not ready yet.  I had not prepared myself yet. Dreams and goals make you grow into them - if you want them bad enough to do the work. When you are ready; when you…

The gift of your attention

Your attention is all you've got.   You might say that attention is life. To whom or what do you give this gift? Control your attention, control your life.

Don't wait for motivation to strike

Motivation is great.  But most of the time, it may not be there. You have to clearly determine what you want and use self-discipline to keep you moving towards it.  Motivation will come and go along the way, but don't let it start you and stop you.   You're the one…

Creating your life with actions and reactions

Actions are your responsibility.  What you do determines how your life comes out. Reactions are your responsibility.  How you respond/react to what others do and what happens around you shapes your life. How have your actions and reactions got you to where you are? 

I packed in my suitcase…

I am packing for the future. I gathered up the past and sorted it. I took with me my family, my friends, my love.  I packed my ambition, my dignity, my knowledge and my honor. I left behind envy, hate, jealousy, darkness, and resentment.  I left behind the people who…

Rate yourself – 5 Essentials Elements of Wellbeing

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate yourself on these five essential elements of well-being?   1) Professional - liking what you do every day. 2) Social - Having positive relationships and love. 3) Finances - comfort, safety, and security. 4) Physical - Fitness, health, energy, and vitality. 5)…

How do YOU size people up?

Yesterday we talked about how we determine if we like someone quickly.  How do we do that? #1 - We look at them.  Everything about them sends a message.  We can tell a lot about someone by how they dress and groom.  We can tell what kind of background they…

How long does it take for you to determine if you like someone?

When you neet someone how long does it take for you to size them up? Studies show it takes about 7 seconds for you to determine - 1) Education level 2) Economic Level 3) Perceived credibility, believability, competence and honesty. 4) Level of sophistication. 5) Trustworthiness 6) Level of Success…

The Paradox of Choice

When we have no choices we feel we have no control, no autonomy, we may feel the one giving us the sole choice is a tyrant, and we are demotivated. When we have too many choices we get decision fatigue, overload, and find it hard to make a choice. Do…

A brave question to ask

Go to someone who has had lots of life experience, has their stuff together, is successful and knows you well. Ask "I want you to tell me honestly what I can do better with my thoughts, actions, and character so I can be a better more able and productive person…

Learning from the past

Making mistakes is ok - good even.  That's how you learn. But making the same mistakes over and over is not ok. Look back at your past mistakes - not to beat yourself up over them, but to learn from them and get better. Use your mistakes to get better.

Learning is uncomfortable

We are comfortable with things we already (think we) know.   When we learn something new, we don't know it yet.  We aren't good at it yet.  It's foreign.  We struggle and it's uncomfortable. Many adults give up.  Kids would too if we didn't make them go to school. But growth…

Learn hard

Working hard is great, but hard work alone will not move you ahead much. Working hard doing something in a sub-optimal way, doing low-value work, or doing something that should not be done at all, is not very productive or valuable. Growth is about how hard you work - at…

Don't confuse politeness with kindness.

Being polite is withholding criticism today.  Being kind is being candid about how people can get better. Being polite is not telling me I have spinach in my teeth.  Being kind is telling me. Being polite is saying my talk was great.  Being kind is telling me where I can…

We know how this is going to end.

You are going to die. We don't know how and we don't know when.  But that is what is going to happen. But take a deep breath - it hasn't happened yet.   This is not a dress rehearsal. This is your chance.

Nobody rises to low expectations

Nobody rises to low expectations. Not your employees, not your friends, not your teammates, not your kids -  and not you. Who expects more from you? Should you expect more and better from the people around you and from yourself?

The Wealth Gap

They talk about the wealth (or income) gap widening.  When you compare the top to the bottom, it should be widening! That's because the bottom is zero wealth or close to it.  The people at the bottom are doing things that are bad for their wealth, or not doing anything…


Imagine if you went to school and they put you in front of the class and said "Ok, go ahead and talk - that's how you learn".   When you talk you can only say what you (think you) know. When you listen you have the opportunity to learn more than…

Performance starts with WANTING to perform

If you say "I don't want to (do that)", then there is no chance for you to ever do it well. You can't fix a broken "want to". With most things, if you don't do it, or don't do it well, it's your own fault - you didn't want to.…

Who will you be in 10 years?

In ten years, most people will be the same person, just ten years older.  And that may be fine with them. But some people will learn to be better.  They won't have the same patterns of thinking, the same habits, they won't struggle with the same things, and their skills…