Think Daily by Larry Janesky
How to reduce stress

How to reduce stress - Do what you have been putting off. Quit trying to control everything. Do what you can, give up what you can't. Lighten up - stop taking yourself so seriously. Get more sleep. Breathe. Go outside in nature. This too shall pass.  In 10 years you…

Who's to blame?

What percentage of the blame for the problems you have is you? (If you don't think it's 100, just go back a little farther.)

How to change your life

This is from my School of Entrepreneurship class called "How to Change your Life". How do you do it - you change the variables. Here they are -  1) What you learn. 2) The people around you. (Some, probably not all.) 3) Your environment - where you go and where…

The easy way to success

Sorry, there is no easy way to success. Except one. The easy way is to learn how to live the hard way. The easy way is to embrace the discomfort and the work - to thrive on it. The easy way is to learn all the time, try all the…

One of my favorite podcast episodes

I was chatting with Jayne Kelley from Ion Bank and she was telling me how much she really enjoyed the Forward Obsessed podcast I did.  I loved it too.  See why. Here's the link - Podcast - Forward Obsessed - The Art of Never Giving Up - Episode 30

Bring life to purpose

Finding your purpose is a big deal.  Many feel lost or get a crisis of confusion every so often until they know why they are here. If you discover what you are really good at and enjoy doing, and use it to make a contribution to others, you are in…

A Productive Daily Routine

We all have our routines.  If you have small children, your routine is wrapped all around them.  But for most of your life your routine is your choice.   Maybe your routine is good and healthy, but if you are reading this, it's likely you want to get even better. Your…

The Age of Infinite Wisdom

The Age of Infinite Wisdom comes before the Age of Wisdom. It's when we think we know it all, or at least all we need to know to do whatever we want. It's when we don't need anyone else's advice because we are too ignorant to recognize we do. It's…

Growing to meet your dream

Dreams....goals....wanting something that hasn't happened yet. In my life, it hadn't happened yet because I was not ready yet.  I had not prepared myself yet. Dreams and goals make you grow into them - if you want them bad enough to do the work. When you are ready; when you…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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