"A leader's gotta lead!"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Many leaders are the owner of their company, so they can get away with being a poor leader without getting fired. If you are the leader of your team, you’ve got to do the job; that job is to lead others to give their best, while accomplishing the goals of the organization.

Are you doing that?

1) Bring out the best in others.

2) Accomplish the goals of the organization.

Comment with the orange button!

Bob Ligmanowski

Finding this out, much different work than I did in the past. But like you said “ fixing it feels
good !”


What most people forget is that we are all leaders of our own body. A body is beautiful and diverse in its shape, size, coloring just like there are many diverse companies out there.

If you can’t find your own inner balance and a way to maintain a healthy inner environment how can you expect yourself to be a good leader of your company or your organization?

We all have ups and downs. We do. No one is exempt from that. But our daily choices and actions build up over time and help you weather the storms easier.

When the lows hit, regardless how difficult or painful they are, embrace yourself and get excited because it is always the point of crossing to another level.

And during these crossings reach for water, go for a walk or jog, carry fresh fruit around with you to have a handy nutritious snack, write if you are angry instead of shouting to another (you can always go back lather and explain them why or what was going on).

Be realistic about scheduling and prioritizing your time and attention.

And if you are stuck and do not know what or how to do, ask for help. There are plenty leaders specializing in providing a variety of solutions out there.

Doug Dean

Thank you for your blog

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