The way of the master – part 2

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

For one seeking to attain mastery of his craft, sport, or endeavor, there are no ordinary moments. Everything is always on the line. By behaving this way, the practice is elevated, which is what he knows will make him a master.

Your practice; what you do when it’s not gametime, showtime, test time, and nobody else is around, matters.


I am thinking about stretching more to become more flexible. I am fairly tight and some spreads and splits I can not perform in my current stage of development. I am sure my whole body but especially my knee will thank me if I start frequenting hot bikram yoga as my indian carpenter neighbor suggested. He is in his fifties and said he lost 13 lbs and became more flexible and his arthritis less ache since he enrolled to go once a week a couple months ago. Hot bikram yoga will be my crossfit.


Exercise to shape up and strenghten my body.

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