Move to a new life (part 2)

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

How do we create a new life? Or at least change the parts we don’t like while keeping the parts we do like?

Substitution. Stop doing something in favor of doing something else. Stop reading something in favor of reading something else with a different voice or content. Change a habit (you are your habits).

Stop eating something in favor of eating something else. Stop listening to something, and do something different with that time instead. Stop hanging around with certain people, in favor of hanging around others instead. Take the stuff off the wall so you can hang up something else instead.

You can make a lot of changes starting now, or just one or a few at a time – it’s up to you. You can change your entire life this way, starting right now from where you are.

Do you want to make any changes? What will you substitute starting now?

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