How do they know if they are winning?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

People are competitive by nature – they want to feel like they are winning. Even mild mannered people want to know if what they are doing is making a difference to the group, and if so, be recognized for it.

But has their supervisor told them exactly what they want them to do and set up a game they can win if they do well? Do they know exactly what to do differently to accomplish different results? Is someone measuring those actions of all the employees in the department so high performers can be recognized and motivated to put up more points on the scoreboard, and laggards know they can’t hide out?

Leaders must get clarity on a few metrics to move, communicate, and keep score publicly to get the most out of their teams.

Ronnie Hepperly

Great word. It can’t be managed if it isn’t measured. God bless you my friend.

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