Get mad

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I’ve often talked about not speaking or acting when we are mad.  And for the most part that’s true.

But for some of us who (are “nice guys” and) have been delaying things we need to do – hard conversations, personnel changes, resisting change ourselves – we need to get mad – and act when we are in the state of mind to do so.

Have you had enough?  

Linda Hvizdo

From an article titled “What Makes an Exceptional Employee:”

They neutralize toxic people. Dealing with difficult people is frustrating and exhausting for most. Exceptional employees control their interactions with toxic people by keeping their feelings in check. When they need to confront a toxic person, they approach the situation rationally. They identify their own emotions and don’t allow anger or frustration to fuel the chaos. They also consider the difficult person’s standpoint and are able to find solutions and common ground. Even when things completely derail, emotionally intelligent people are able to take the toxic person with a grain of salt to avoid letting him or her bring them down.

Sometimes saying anything can create a hostile environment that is worse than what you started with!

Bob Abbate

Larry, I make some of my best moves when I get into what I call my “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” state of mind. By the time I get to that point, I’ve given the decision plenty of thought, and it’s just what I need to push myself over the decision making line.

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