Attack the problem, not the person

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Being a business owner is solving a long (never-ending) series of problems.  When we get shy or afraid of dealing with a problem, often it’s because we don’t want to attack a person.

Learn to attack the problem, and not the person.  Lay out the problem for them clearly, discuss solutions, and make a decision.  Separate the person or people from the problem.

Good leaders can solve problems in this way without others leaving bitter or feeling they were treated unfairly.


The focus should be solving customers problems. This way we have no internal problems. Everyone focused on one goal!

Ralph carpinella

Tom Donahue from us chamber made the following statement on the popes comments ;
The business community believes in a few simple principles — enlarging the economic pie is preferable to divvying up a shrinking economic pie; self-sufficiency and the dignity of work are better than dependency; technology is useful in improving our standard of living and addressing complex challenges like climate change; business plays a positive role in our society; and FREE enterprise makes it all possible.”
Although I love the Pope the above analyzes it best


Thanks for sharing Ralph
“Wealth should be created not distributed”


While your words ring true, sometimes, the person IS the problem.

Some people are so dazzled by their own light that they cannot see they cast nothing but darkness. The person who CANNOT hear, and WILL NOT see any point of view but their own are routinely encountered and pose impenetrable obstacles to the solving of problems.

Usually, the only solution is to withdraw from the situation and admit defeat. While the problem person may have ultimately profited from a frank conversation, sometimes, its better to cut and run.

What do you think?

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