What happened in the news

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The “News” is about what happened.  It’s not about what did not happen.  The news has a programming policy -“If it bleeds, it leads.”  It’s easy then for us to watch the news and think that things are going to hell.

But things that “didn’t happen” also exist, and outnumber the newsworthy events.  All the schools that didn’t get shot up, the trains that didn’t derail, the countries that are not at war, and people who slept safely though the night.

To control our own programming is to control our view of the world, and ultimately our experience in it.

What do you focus on?



Once again, well said, Larry. My kids know what a disdain I have for the “negative news” that dominates our local TV station. Stabbings, murders, fires, accidents, terrorism, etc.

I choose to watch inspiration stories on alternative channels during the limited time I watch.


News and the media are always negative. News is popular. News is popular because it appeals to most people because most people are addicted to negativity. Nobody ever learns anything of value from the news – ever! If something is important, you’ll find out about it without watching the news. When you watch the news you poison your mind and beliefs. If nobody watched negative news, negative news would not exist because there would be no financial incentive for reporters and broadcasters. Don’t encourage these fools. Don’t be an idiot. Don’t waste your life. Don’t watch the news.

Frank Heneghan

Hi Larry!

How about your views on physical fitness, diet, etc. and how they play into business-mindedness and success??


Curt Drew

Amen Larry! That’s why I don’t watch the news.


There is a lesson in everything you watch or listen to. It’s how it’s perceived and what is learned from the experience. I watch the news to find out where the pancake breakfast’s are on the weekend (lol).

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