
This question made me think. I took it a little farther than the dashboard though– what is the oil that keeps your life running smooth? The gas that ignites and makes propulsion forward possible? What acts as the gauge of your life, giving you peace of mind that you’ll continue down the road without issue?

The little needles are the peace of mind. Without drive and stability, the little needles will always be erratic.


It dislike to make the obvious pun of “needle in a hay stack” hay being money of course, but hey, I just did!

In all seriousness though, this depends on the opportunities to make more money in the tiers of current company positions, whether it be at current position in a company that is hourly, salary, or a position that has grown from something it once was but no longer is, creating a position in the company that never existed before. Growth rewarded with capital?

True, making more money could be shooting for a ‘higher’ company position so to speak or it could simply be creating a path in commissioned based sales to have the highest ADL with legitimate leads, doing more with less, increasing ADL with smaller amount of leads at higher sales per ticket.
Smarter not harder, but the leads need to be legitimate. Where it gets tricky is taking leads based on welfare programs for ‘no cost’ work, how does that fit into ADL? Should it?

Albeit, a hand full of folks that truly need our help and have some potential to actually ‘buy’ can pony up once in a while once they see the benefit of subsidy programs. Since they are ‘getting so much for free’ if they happen to have any potential financing or money in the bank to spend, it’s a perfect storm for them. For the rest of the folks, it’s a either considered as a dead lead because they’ve already spent all the freebie funds on a previous projects and there’s literally nothing else we can do for them, they have tapped out completely. Good news is have a better more comfortable life as a result (regardless, we certainly hope) but no potential of them ‘spending’ to increase that ADL all the more, it detracts from it.


Please forgive the typos! “I” dislike not “it” ect.,etc.

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