Theaters of the mind

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

What movie has your imagination made up and run over and over that hasn’t actually happened?

Your mind and body will react to all of that as if it was real, and you will act in a manner to make it real, or at least real to you.

Should you stop running that movie? How about creating a new one that represents reality or what you want to be reality?

Hal Smith

Hey Larry,

Thanks for the shout out !! How are the new house plans comming ?

Tim Byrne

In the morning before I go to work I take time to imagine how I want my day to unfold and create my own movie Thanks Larry have a great day

Matt Mirabile

Interesting post. Did you know that centuries ago an eastern Orthodox monk said basically the same thing. Not only does the mind create a movie, it creates a world of its own the objects in which have their own substance. Is it any wonder why, when these “movies” play in the mind it can have such a negative affect on the limbic system, on our bodies? Is it any wonder why people can react to imagined things as if they were real? The mind is a world of its own. Perhaps we should be careful what world we create there. It is sure to influence our outer world.

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