Who wants to help you?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Nobody climbs Everest alone.  

Who wants to help you because they will accomplish their goals by doing so?


Sam Wakefield

Probably the single most important take away for me from this year’s convention. You can’t do it alone. When multiple people come up to you and tell you the same thing about learning how to multiply yourself, maybe it’s time to listen and start doing just that.

Your sales can only grow to x amount when one person is doing it. But with 2 it becomes Xx2. With 3 Xx2 etc.
I know that everyone following this blog already knows that so excuse the simple lesson here. Sometimes it is just so hard to let go of the reigns.

Thanks for the lesson Larry, I went and got my bucket of golf balls to keep in my office as a reminder to find and develop leaders, not to do it all myself.

Tim Byrne

Sometimes people like to help you because it makes them feel good and adds to their overall happiness So are they helping you to help you or themselves ? So if someone wants to help me I let them cause we both win Thanks Larry Have a great day

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