A message for (most) men

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Men speak 3000-4000 words a day.  Women speak over 9000. Okay, this is stereotyping, but it’s mostly true.  Often men who are leaders of businesses don’t communicate enough.  We correct, and guard, and dictate; but it’s not enough.  We think if we say something once, people will remember it forever.

We need to paint the vision we have with words often.  We need to express our ideal organization – more than once a year.  Each day we need to tell people we approve of their positive performance with our words and body language.  When we get poor performance, sarcasm takes few words, but encouragement and training takes much more.  

Stoicism is not a great quality in a leader.  We need to communicate more to our teams guys.  

Michele Pavlik

Amen to that!

Tyler gettings


Ed Krieger

Thank you for the pertinent message Larry, we train once on many subjects but not enough on each one subject. I have been guilty of forgetting that our institutional memory is not that long and that people change jobs or migrate to new positions within our organization without transferring the vision from that NEW perspective or position. Gonna change that today! Ed

Curt Drew

Wow, very true. In training new employees and new dealers I continually realize that key points need to be re-emphasized over and over. Thanks for the reminder of that Larry!

Dawn Fotopulos

This is genius, Larry. True in marriages too.

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